Liming Wang, a member of the Communist Party of China, received his B.Eng. and Ph.D. in 2011 and 2018 from the College of Mechanical Engineering of Chongqing University. He visited the CALCE Center at University of Maryland, College Park, USA as a visiting scholar in 2015, sponsored by China Scholarship Council.
Dr. Wang is currently a postdoctoral fellow of the College of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering, Chongqing University. He mainly engages in the research fileds of mechanical equipment fault diagnosis, health status monitoring, gear dynamics, and machine learning. He has published 8 patents and more than 20 SCI/EI scientific papers in international famous periodicals, such as Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Measurement, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering and so on. He has been awarded the “9th Hiwin Doctoral Dissertation Award”, “the second prize of Chongqing Science and Technology Progress” and “the Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Award of Chongqing University”. He has undertaken and participated in several projects including the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Key Program, General Program, and Youth Program), the National Key Research and Development Program of China, and China Postdoctoral Science Foundation.

Dr.Wang's dissertation, “Research on Variable-scale Demodulation and Feature Extraction Algorithm for Gearbox with Gear Fault”, aims to improve the signal-to-noise ratio of the early weak fault of the gear drive system, and thereby to detect the degraded characteristics of gear performance improving the service performance of the gear drive system. This dissertation stood out from 162 recommended papers from 54 universities and research institutes (more than 2,500 doctoral students in mechanical engineering) across the country, and won the Excellent Writing Award of “the 9th Hiwin Doctoral Dissertation Award” in 2019. The award is the highest honor for doctoral dissertation in the field of mechanical engineering in China which is set to enhance the level of China's manufacturing technology, strengthen the training of high-level creative talents, and improve the quality of doctoral education in mechanical engineering and automation in China.
In addition, as the first author, Liming's representative work "Crack Fault Classification for Planetary Gearbox Based on Feature Selection Technique and K-means Clustering Method", co-authored with his supervisor Professor Yimin Shao, was published in the English edition of the Journal of Mechanical Engineering in 2018. This paper attracted wide attention and ranked the second in the citation of the journal that year, and he was awarded the “Excellent Paper Award of the 4th High Impact Paper of the Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering”.

[1] Liming Wang, Yimin Shao. Fault feature extraction of rotating machinery using a reweighted complete ensemble empirical mode decomposition with adaptive noise and demodulation analysis[J]. Mechanical systems and signal processing, 2020, 138:106545.
[2] Liming Wang, Weijun Ye, Yimin Shao, et al. A new adaptive evolutionary digital filter based on alternately evolutionary rules for fault detection of gear tooth spalling [J]. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2019, 118: 645-657.
[3] Liming Wang, Yimin Shao, Zheng Cao. Optimal demodulation subband selection for sun gear crack fault diagnosis in planetary gearbox [J]. Measurement, 2018, 125: 554-563.
[4] Liming Wang, Yimin Shao. Crack fault classification for planetary gearbox based on feature selection technique and k-means clustering method [J]. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2018, 31(1): 4.
[5] Liming Wang, Yimin Shao. Fault mode analysis and detection for gear tooth crack during its propagating process based on dynamic simulation method [J]. Engineering Failure Analysis, 2017, 71: 166-178.