a paper entitled “Giant photoflexoelectric effect in halde perovskites" has been published in Nature Materials which is co-first authored by Wenbin Huang
Recently, a paper entitled “Giant photoflexoelectric effect in halde perovskites" has been published in Nature Materials which is co-first authored by Wenbin Huang, a researcher of the School of Mechanical Engineering of Chongqing University. Associate Prof. Longlong Shu of Nanchang University, Prof. Gustau Catalan of the Institute of Advanced Studies of Catalonia, Spain, are the co-corresponding authors. Ziguo Wang, Ph.D. student at the School of Mechanical Engineering of Chongqing University, has made important contributions.
Nature Materials is a well-known sub-issue of Nature magazine and one of the most influential journals in the fields of materials, physics, chemistry, etc., with an impact factor of 38.8 in 2019. This is the first paper ever published in this top international journal in the mechanical engineering discipline of Chongqing University, achieving a breakthrough of zero.
This paper shows that organic inorganic hybridization of calcium halide titanium ore(CH3NH3PbX3, X=Cl, Br)photovoltaic semiconductor materials have a very special photodexploitation electro-enhancing phenomenon (the research team named it the photo-flexion electro-effect), the equivalent flexion electrode produced by the photo-flexion effect is the most known flexion electrode value.
The research team also made an in-depth study on the physical mechanism of photodexploitation, and proposed a theoretical model of the concentration of associated semiconductor carriers and the electrodeization of medium materials, which foreshadowed that the photodexploitation effect was a common physical phenomenon in all light absorption materials, and pointed out the direction for further research. This work is the first to report the flexoelectric effect of lead halide perovskite materials and the first discovery of the "optical flexoelectric" effect of semiconductor materials, highly innovative in physical theory and breaking world records in performance.

Fig. (a) Relationship between polarization intensity and strain gradient of MAPBX3;(b) trapezoidal flexural response;(c) size effect and electrode dependence of flexoelectric;(d) Schematic diagram of optical flexoelectric;(e) frequency dependence of optical flexoelectric;(f) Experimental results of optical flexoelectricity;(g) Comparison of the optical flexoelectric coefficient of MAPBX3 with other materials.
Prof. Wenbin Huang is one of the "Hundred Talents Program" talents introduced by Chongqing University from the United States in 2015, focusing on basic research in the field of intelligent materials and structures. In the past 5 years, he's been working actively on the frontiers of disciplines and closely combined with the country's major needs to carry out basic and applied basic research, supported by funding from the National Natural Science Foundation Youth Fund project, general projects, as well as National Key Research and Development Program and the Innovation Special Zone Project of the Science and Technology Commission of the Military Commission. The research results have been initially applied to rail transit, special vehicles, wind power generation, building materials machinery and other industrial fields.